English translation for "rupture modulus"
- 断裂模量
断裂模数 挠折模量 破裂模量 折断模数
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The result indicates that in the case of constant content of asphalt , marshall stability , compression strength , rupture strength , compression modulus and rupture modulus of cement emulsified asphalt concrete would increase along with the increase in cement content ; in the case of constant content of cement , these index values would decrease along with the increase in asphalt content ; while with the increase of coarse aggregate , rupture strength and rupture modulus of the concrete would increase conspicuously , yet compression strength and compression modulus would have a little change 试验结果表明:在乳化沥青含量不变时,随著水泥用量的增加水泥乳化沥青混凝土的马歇尔稳定度、抗压强度、抗折强度、抗压回弹模量、抗折回弹模量随之增加;在水泥用量不变时,随著乳化沥青用量的增加相应的力学指标呈降低趋势;矿料级配中粗集料含量增加后,混合料的抗折强度和抗折回弹模量有明显增加,但抗压强度和抗压回弹模量变化不大。 |
- Similar Words:
- "rupture line" English translation, "rupture load" English translation, "rupture member" English translation, "rupture membrane" English translation, "rupture metamorphism" English translation, "rupture motion" English translation, "rupture my replica" English translation, "rupture of abdominal aorta" English translation, "rupture of achilles tendon" English translation, "rupture of aneurysm" English translation